This is the personal website of Chuck Jordan, a writer, programmer, and game designer living in Los Angeles, California, who used to look like this:

This blog is an outlet for me to ramble about movies, television, Disney, Star Wars, video games, and computers.
I am not the famous car designer.
Games I Have Worked On
Game design, programming, and art
Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse (Season Three)
Telltale Games
Season Lead Designer
The Curse of Monkey Island
Writer and script programmer
SimCity 4
Electronic Arts/Maxis
Sam & Max: Beyond Time & Space (Season Two)
Telltale Games
Lead writer, co-designer
Sam & Max Save the World (Season One)
Telltale Games
Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People
Telltale Games
Co-writer, designer
The Walking Dead
Telltale Games
Story consultant and co-writer, Episode 2 “Starved for Help”
Grim Fandango
Script and tools programmer
The Sims 2 (console version)
Electronic Arts/Maxis
The Urbz
Electronic Arts/Maxis
New Legends
Infinite Machine
Other Projects I Have Worked On
Kim Possible World Showcase Adventure
Consultant with Walt Disney Imagineering R&D
An initial playtestest for a cell-phone and RFID based game in Epcot’s World Showcase.
A Pirate’s Adventure: Treasures of the Seven Seas
Consultant with Walt Disney Imagineering
Writing and initial implementation of an interactive scavenger hunt in Adventureland in the Magic Kingdom
Dumbo New Fantasyland Renovation
Consultant with Walt Disney Imagineering
Implementation of a virtual queue and pager system for the New Fantasyland refurbishment of the Dumbo attraction in the Magic Kingdom
REAL System
Penumbra, Inc
Gameplay and architecture engineering for a VR system used in rehabilitation therapy for survivors of stroke and other severe injury
The Arkham Asylum Files: Panic in Gotham City
Infinite Rabbit Holes/Animal Repair Shop
Lead AR developer on the mobile app component of a narrative puzzle adventure game set in the Batman universe, with a physical box containing a game board, papercraft buildings, and various puzzles.
Want to contact me directly on the down-low, for some reason? Use this form and nobody else will have to know. Otherwise, use the comments form at the bottom of this page to publicly praise or berate me.
Hi, Chuck. I too attended UGA and had a comic strip published in The Red and Black. Mine was the poorly received stickman comic “Oz and Xack”. Anyway, I liked some of your strips back then and fondly remembered the Velma strip. Fast forward to last year and I’m randomly Google searching stuff and Spectre Collie pops into my head. I found the blog and now I see that you’ve put some of the old strips up. I was glad to see Velma, but it’s different than I recalled. I was pretty sure that the turn on section included “Dogs with speech impediments.” but that’s not what you have in the redrawn version. That line was the real clincher for me. Loved it.
I hadn’t looked in on the blog in quite awhile but enjoy your comments on Lost, “Wind It Up” and other such subjects. I actually run comic stores in McDonough and Griffin, GA, so I enjoyed your Stonecrest adventure as well. Not much else to say except hello, and thanks for a few laughs then and now. Spectre Collie was way better than Luv Toad, by the way.
Bill Phillips
Bunjee’s Comics
“Growing up in Egypt, he went to a secular madrassa, where he was taught terrorist activities such as reading and writing. (Moe would often then put a knife up to my neck and attempt to decapitate me, after which we’d just laugh and laugh. Good times.)”
Yer Funny. If you want a couple of pix of you & me in Florida last Summer (I know what you did last Summer…), let me know!
Hi Chuck,
I don’t think I have a current e-mail address for you, so I figured this was the best way to reach you to say Merry Christmas! I hope you had a good year and that you’ll have a fantastic 2008.
Be good!
Pilar (formerly Diana, formerly Dianita)
Just wanted to let you know I’m a fan off all your work, past and present. I hope everything is going well for you.
Hi Chuck! Just wanted to say I found your comics preeety funny. Not at all as awful as you promise! Hope you put up more sometime 🙂
And btw, strangely, I too had an eye-twitch running rampant last week. Might have even started the same day. I’m trying to track down the cause. Did you perchance happen to lick a sardine the day before?
Thanks, Amit. Every so often I look at stuff made by real artists online, and instead of getting intimidated like I should be, it makes me think I want to try to get better at drawing. Maybe I should start with the comics again, if I can come up with any ideas that aren’t appropriate for the day job.
And I haven’t licked any sardines to the best of my knowledge. Unless that’s a euphemism for something else.
I randomly stumbled upon your blog. Good writing. Enjoyed the movie reviews.
I’m a big fan of the site – I came for your review of “Blink” a few years ago, and I’ve stayed ever since.
I particularly like your two posts on piracy from March last year, which are two of my favourite posts on the topic. I was re-reading them today, and I think I spotted a small typo: in, you write “ Ihantko” but I think you mean “Ihnatko”.
Cheers for the great writing.
Alex, thanks for the compliment & the catch. That’s just one of thousands of typos on this site, I’m sure, but it’s different when it’s someone’s name. I’ll fix it now. Thanks!
Aww, Chuck, I popped in here hoping to see something new you were working on. The Sam and Max: Season One OST popped-up on shuffle and made me really nostalgic. Lots of love for all the joy you’ve given me over the years, starting from The Curse of Monkey Island (when I was eight) and through “Abe Lincoln Must Die!”, Puzzle Agent 2, The Devil’s Playhouse, and the various blog posts I’ve commented on over the years. Happy 2018!
This is a quick note to say how much I enjoy your posts. Thanks for writing them! I’ve been particularly enjoying your recent posts about Wandavision and The Mandalorian. You write thoughtful, in-depth commentaries that unpack why you like (or don’t like) something, which are far more interesting than a superficial or immediate analysis. I don’t always agree, but I always think about what I’ve watched in a new way once I’ve read your take on it.
~ Alex
Thanks for taking the time to comment! I really appreciate it.