Well, that didn’t last very long. Earlier in the week, I was wondering whether it would be such a bad thing if I got an internal combustion engine car and just didn’t drive it very often. After discovering the Climate Town YouTube channel, I’m resolving to never buy gasoline ever again. Not necessarily because I believe I have a huge impact on the environment, but out of spite for the gas companies that I now hate so much.
I suspect the idea behind the channel is that the messaging around climate change has for so long been dry and boring, angry and alarmist, or guilt-tripping. Rollie Williams decided to make videos that were a call to action, but also kind of funny. It worked for me, at least: some of these were things I was vaguely aware of, but had either never put the pieces together, or I’d completely forgotten about them.
The “carbon footprint” is the one that really got me, because it reminded me of my history of being gullible and letting corporate marketing campaigns manipulate me. Back in high school, I would dutifully tear apart all of the plastic soda-can yokes before tossing them in the recycling, never once questioning why it wasn’t Coke’s responsibility to come up with something better than plastic soda-can yokes.
- Climate Town: Why Your “Carbon Footprint” is a Lie
- Climate Town: The Ugly Truth Behind the Will Ferrell G.M. Super Bowl Commercial
- Fully Charged on the Hyundai Ioniq 5 Launch: I think this channel has been mentioned on here before, but it’s another attempt (with Robert Llewellyn of Red Dwarf) to put an entertaining spin on electric vehicles and cleaner energy
- If you missed the video of the Perseverance Rover’s Landing on Mars, you really should watch it. I don’t understand how they kept their voices steady; I didn’t watch it until after I already knew what happened, and I was still nervous the whole time.
- NASA also released audio recorded from the surface of Mars. But since the rover has its own Twitter account, I was just disappointed that they didn’t follow up the tweet with the video with one that said, “Well that blew up! While you’re here, check out my soundcloud….”