Wired’s Underwire blog recently did an article about YooouuuTuuube, the site that takes YouTube videos and stretches individual frames out across your web browser. The most popular hit so far has been this mash-up video using samples from Alice in Wonderland.
I was playing around with it using my favorite videos from Omodaka. They work great and yield some pretty cool effects, since the videos already do a lot with symmetrical frames. If you play around with the frame sizes, you can get the full-page effect to match up with the beat of the music.
Here are my favorites:
- Kokiriko Bushi: probably the best of the bunch, a screen full of skeletons and 80s disco lights.
- Kyoteizinc: the mirroring effects in the original video get replicated dozens of times
- Cantata No. 147: a screen full of weird singing heads