A few weeks ago, I was at a party, doing what I usually do at parties — looking for a way to work the Sam & Max games into the conversation.
Talk turned to Adobe After Effects and all the cool stuff the kids can do with video editing, and I mentioned the “Behind the Bad” videos Nick and Jake made to promote the Strong Bad games, and that got me going on about all the Sam & Max Season Two trailers. A friend mentioned he’d never seen any of them, so I said I’d put them up on the blog but then forgot.
Earlier I said that the trailer to “Moai Better Blues” was my favorite of the videos, but that was a lie because the one for “What’s New, Beelzebub?” is:
But “Moai Better Blues” is my second favorite.
And then “Night of the Raving Dead”, which was a good bit more disturbing before they added the blurring:
Also good is “Ice Station Santa” (“Ice Station Santa”), especially if you’ve seen the inspiration.
“Ice Station Santa.”
And also “Chariots of the Dogs”, which has references to “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” and “Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft” so it’s cool if you’re over 30, and I think this is the one that made Nick start switching to video:
(And they’re all available on the Telltale Videos site for your workday browsing and procrastinating needs).