The Penny Arcade Expo is this weekend, and I’m flying up tomorrow for another three days of being awkward and confused while surrounded by nerdcrowds. I’m actually looking forward to this one, unlike the Comic Con, because I keep hearing how PAX is the right way to do a convention. I’d actually forgotten it was a videogame convention until a friend reminded me — I’ve been to so many comic cons and Macworlds recently that I started to conflate them all. Oh yeah, videogames! I remember liking those!
Plus, I think I like Seattle, at least the three or so hours I saw of it when I went up to the Microsoft campus a few years ago. I distinctly remember being startled at how clean the air was.
I’m going to be on two panels: Writing for Video Games from 6:00PM to 7:00PM on Friday, and then Make a Scene, the Strong Bad Edition from 7:30PM to 8:30PM. I hear that the Make a Scene panel at last year’s was a lot of fun; we get audience members to record lines for the characters and then put them together in our game engine for a cutscene at the end of the panel.
So if you’re going to be in Seattle, check me out! (No seriously, check me out!) And if you’re in San Francisco, please don’t steal my stuff.