The Wondercon is next weekend! How exciting is that?!?
Come on! We can see clips from the new Superman movie! And Frank Miller! And Kevin Smith! And there’s going to be “exclusive Star Wars programming,” which as far as I can make out from the website means that Lucas Licensing is going to be recruiting.
I’m going — getting the three-day pass, even — but I’m troubled by my own lack of enthusiasm. This is the kind of thing that would get me visibly excited in the past. Now I’m still every bit the nerd that I was when I wrote gushing fan letters about Sandman to Neil Gaiman with my GEnie account, but I’m having trouble seeing the Wondercon as anything more than something inevitable that I’m going to go to and is going to be crowded and filled with people dressed up as stormtroopers and anime characters and my feet are going to hurt.
I’m old, but I’m not that old. It’s way too early for me to be getting jaded. I do want to see if I can get Mike Mignola to sign one of my copies of Hellboy or The Amazing Screw-On Head. So maybe I can work up some excitement by digging through my protective plastic bags to find just the right comic for him to sign.